Backup Restore or Clone LIVE

Backup/Restore/Clone a partition LIVE using LVM Snapshots and rsync Formulated this hack to fix the disk errors on my /var partition normally you could do this with any partition and could be preformed live too. However considering i have to do fsck on /var the machine must be shutdown -h now first then you have… Continue reading Backup Restore or Clone LIVE

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Copy PVE to a new drive

Introduction This is two methods to move a complete harddrive to a new bigger harddrive live on a running system with no downtime cool eh? This guide could be applied to moving things to a smaller drive, but will require some additonal trickery mostly lvm stuff, i will add it here when i and if… Continue reading Copy PVE to a new drive

Proxmox from debian 6.0.6 non-free with software raid

WORK IN PROGRESS Introduction some stuff here Install Debian Get the non-free CD or as i like to do use my usb stick Do an install using RAID 1 going to try with one drive in degraded mode I think its best to use entire drive with LVM then edit later create raid md0 for… Continue reading Proxmox from debian 6.0.6 non-free with software raid

Setting up your android phone with PAID mail

NEEDS EDITING Introduction Android-based smartphones sync email, contacts, and calendars to Computer King Email accounts. The pre-requisites for configuring your mobile device include: The Computer King email system used by your organization or service provider is a paid Network Edition license (ask your administrator if you are not sure) Your administrator has enabled mobility on your… Continue reading Setting up your android phone with PAID mail

Handy hacks

Reinstall video card drivers after botched ubuntu kernel upgrade This one is for my brother as each time he does a kernel upgrade ubuntu forgets to upgrade his video card it has caused both of us alot of grief, nice thing is he can boot to an older kernel version and everything is fine. sudo… Continue reading Handy hacks

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Raid1 on existing system

WORK IN PROGRESS Introduction Backup first and as you will see below i have a Western Digital Green 2T (SLOW) disk called /dev/sdc with partiton /dev/sdc1 mounted at /mnt/2T. This is probaly the last i will mention of this so take heed my warning and backup first! In this tutorial I’m using a Debian Squeeze… Continue reading Raid1 on existing system

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Zimbra KVM

I have a love hate relationship with Zimbra, mostly love to hate it, have a Network Edition KVM which i am not that thrilled with, for alot of reasons comment me if you are interested in them   For this document I have setup a KVM using the OSS version, and wow Zimbra 8 is shiny and… Continue reading Zimbra KVM

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